lwIP Documentation

lwIP Application Developers

  1. Audience
  2. Introduction to lwIP
  3. Protocols availables (and their status)
    1. Link & Network protocols
      1. ARP
      2. IPv4
      3. IPv6
      4. ICMP
      5. IGMP
    2. Transport protocols
      1. UDP/UDP-Lite
      2. TCP
    3. High level protocols
      1. DHCP
      2. AUTOIP
      3. SNMP
      4. PPP
  4. Application API layers
    1. raw/native API
      1. Memory management
      2. pbuf, the basic buffer of lwIP
    2. netconn API
      1. Memory management
      2. pbuf, the basic buffer of lwIP
      3. netbuf, the pbuf wrapper
    3. socket API
      1. Features availables (options, flags...)
      2. Known limitations
    4. Which API use in your project?
  5. lwIP with or without an operating system
  6. lwIP and multithreading
  7. lwIP IPv4/IPv6 stacks
  8. Initializing lwIP
    1. Initialization for simple lwIP
    2. Initialization using tcpip.c
    3. Network interfaces management
  9. Configuring lwIP
    1. lwipopts.h, picking the lwIP options you need
    2. Reducing the lwIP footprint
    3. Notes on tuning TCP
  10. Reporting bugs
  11. Further lwIP support

lwIP Platform Developers

  1. Audience
  2. General guidelines to design a platform port
  3. How to port lwIP to an OS (sys_arch.c/h, cc.h)
  4. How to write a device driver (netif,ethernetif...)
  5. Debugging lwIP port & driver

lwIP Active Developers

  1. Audience
  2. Contributing to lwIP
  3. lwIP modules (files, directories...)
  4. Architectural flow charts
    1. Mumtaz's flowcharts
    2. RX flow diagram
  5. Debugging lwIP